Note: Additional Match


2013 Results


January 12

January 26

February 9

February 23

March 9

March 23

April 6

May match canceled

 June Match Canceled

July 6

August 3

Sept 7

October 5

November 2


November 21 th 22nd & 23rd

Toys for Tots Classic

For any more information you can E-Mail  Matt Dylewski at 


practicalpistol at gemcitygunclub dot org 


Phone 814-392-2376


The Gem City Practical Shooters will hold matches on the 2nd and 4th Sunday
of January, February and March. April thru November there will be a match on
the 1st Sunday . Squads will be formed with a
maximum of 8 shooters per squad. Shooters that wish to shoot more than one
gun must shoot only one gun per squad. This is to get shooters thru more
efficiently with a minimal amount of waiting. Wintertime squads will go out
at these approximate times: 8:00, 9:30, 10:45, 12:00, 1:15, 2:30 and 3:45.
If you are interested in helping to setup a match or if you would like to
see what practical shooting is all about, give me a call or drop me an
e-mail. I will be setting up on the Saturday before, starting at 9:00 AM.
Anyone that helps with setup may shoot after. I can always use help with
setup and teardown. If you can help with either of these please let me know.
Gem City is affiliated with the United States Practical Shooting
Association. More info on the USPSA can be found at



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